Geotextile Supply
Preserving Natural Resources with Environmentally Friendly Solutions
Geosynthetics are essential for municipal, construction, and highway projects, offering protection to natural landscapes in developing areas. The integration of geotextiles is now a crucial part of infrastructure development, enhancing durability and stability. For erosion and sediment control, Aquarius Supply stands out with its knowledgeable staff, ready to provide the necessary supplies and materials for a flawless project completion. Our range of geosynthetic supplies and erosion control products ensures you have access to top-quality materials for any construction or infrastructure project.

Featured Products

Typar Civil Geotextiles
TYPAR® geotextiles create a layer of separation that develops a graded aggregate filter layer in the subgrade soil to maintain separation and eliminate the risk of soil mixing or ‘pumping’. TYPAR promotes development of such filter layers due to its unique bonded fibers that create a pathway resembling a well-graded aggregate filter. TYPAR provides an effective filter structure since it has both high permeability, which will not change under compaction, and the ability to retain soil particles adjacent to it, minimizing the piping of subgrade soils and reducing fine particles from crossing the filtration layer.

Biodegradable Straw Erosion Control
Made with uniformly distributed, 100% agricultural straw and one polypropylene net securely sewn together with degradable thread. The Straw Erosion Blanket also has functional longevity of approximately one year. But varies depending on soil and climate conditions. Suitable for slopes 3:1 or less and low flow channels. This product meets Type 2.C requirements established by the Erosion Control Technology council & Federal Highway Administration’s FP-03 Section 713.17.

Woven Stabilization Geotextiles
This engineered geotextile is stabilized to resist degradation due to ultraviolet exposure, soil chemicals, mildew and insects. Woven geotextiles used for ground stabilization minimize rutting and prevent intermixing of the aggregate with the soft soils below. Think of woven geotextiles as affordable insurance for your aggregate. Woven geotextiles are placed between the aggregate and the subgrade to stabilize the soil, preserve the aggregate and reinforce the surrounding soil. They will also keep mud below the rock from "pumping" up and help keep cleanup to a minimum. If you are building a road, constructing a parking lot, stabilizing material staging areas or repairing/installing a gravel driveway, woven geotextiles perform at a high level and save time and money.
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